546-Q&A: How to Increase Profit from a Consulting Business, How to Build an Advice Business, How to Maximize Revenue from a Construction Company, How to Transition Careers

Today we do live Q&A on career-related questions. Listen to the show and, if you think I give decent advice, sign up for my new Career & Income course here: http://www.radicalpersonalfinance.com/increaseincomeBuy now if you want the best deal! (Price goes up by $100 on Wednesday, May 16!)

Topics include:

  • How to Increase Profit from a Consulting Business
  • How to Build an Advice Business
  • How to Maximize Revenue from a Construction Company
  • How to Transition Careers


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545-How to Protect the Experience of Your Rich Life with Good Digital Fences

Today, a few quick announcements and a discussion of how I went from confident and focused to frazzled and weak in about 3 hours...because I logged on to Facebook.


  • If you're a Patron and are missing your coupon code to sign up for the #IncreaseIncome course, email me.
  • I'm hosting a live Q&A call for you (as long as you have a question related to your career and income) on Monday, May 14 at 3pm Eastern. Call in number is 561-440-7362.
  • Email me if you have questions about the course! Or, email me and let me know what you'd like to talk with me about if you were to have lunch with me.
  • Please sign up for my new course! www.radicalpersonalfinance.com/increaseincome

Two good articles on Facebook:

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544-How Much Money Do You Need to Earn To Live the Good Life?

On today's show, I talk to you about your income goals. Specifically, I lay out some sample budgets given various incomes and discuss with you the specific amount of income I believe you should target.



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543-How to Save More Money Without Hurting Your Lifestyle

Many people think that saving more money is going to mean they have to live like a pauper. But it doesn't have to be like that. There is another way...a way to save more money and live a fancier lifestyle at the same time!


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541-How to Protect Your Family From Your Death When You Can't Qualify For Life Insurance

I recently worked with a consulting client who had this problem: because of a previous (serious) cancer diagnosis, he is unable to qualify for life insurance. How can he protect his family in case he dies soon?

I thought it a really interesting challenge. And since I've thought a lot about this particular problem, I thought I'd go ahead and share my thoughts with you.



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The Law by FrƩdƩric Bastiat (i.e., my 2018 Tax Day celebration)

Today on Radical Personal Finance, we celebrate Tax Day in the United States (April 17, 2018).

As we all reflect on the actions of the government we US Americans have just supported with our tax money, I thought it would be a good day to read to you a very helpful essay called, The Law.

The Law was written in 1850 by Frédéric Bastiat, a French economist.
If you haven't previously read this essay, be forewarned that the first third is fast-moving and the last third is fast-moving, but the middle drags a little.Hear it through, though. You'll be glad you did.


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540-Is US Government Bankruptcy a Sure Thing? A Friendly Debate with David Stein, Host of Money for the Rest of Us

On Episode 466 of Radical Personal Finance, I discussed the idea of the US Government's certain default on its stated obligations and commitments by referencing Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff's Congressional testimony on this subject.

After that show, my friend David Stein (host of Money for the Rest of Us) emailed me to tell me that I was wrong. :)

So, I invited him on the show to debate it with me.



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539-Friday Q&A: Should I Use an HSA Account to Pay for Medical Expenses, What Tools Will Help Me Find a New Career, Should I Participate in My Company's Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Program?

It's Friday! Today we discuss:

  • Should I use an HSA account to pay for my medical expenses?
  • What tools can I use to figure out a new career after unexpectedly coming back from foreign missions?
  • Should I participate in my companies Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation program?

Enjoy the show!


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Money vs. Meaning-"The Drum Major Instinct" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's death on April 4, 1968, I thought you might enjoy hearing some of the audio from his last public sermon. This talk is entitled "The Drum Major Instinct."

This sermon was preached in the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church, about two months before King's death.

The sermon was an adaptation of the 1952 homily ‘‘Drum-Major Instincts’’ by J. Wallace Hamilton, a well-known, liberal, white Methodist preacher.

NOTE: I have clipped off King's introduction and started the audio of this recording at the point where he begins speaking about personal finances.

To hear the full audio or to read a transcript of the entire speech, use this link: http://kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/multimediaentry/doc_the_drum_major_instinct/index.html



p.s., there are a few clipped pieces of audio...these are a fault of the original recording. You can read the missing text in the transcript.

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