472-Friday Q&A: Can I Have Both a SIMPLE IRA and a Traditional IRA, What Personal Finance Books Does Joshua Recommend, What Three Investments Would I Buy To Leave Alone for a Decade, What Are the Rules of Thumb for Who Should Buy Long-Term Care Insurance

On Fridays we do a live Q&A which is open to Patrons of the show. Become a Patron at www.RadicalPersonalFinance.com/patron

Today we cover:

  • Can I Have Both a SIMPLE IRA and a Traditional IRA
  • What Personal Finance Books Does Joshua Recommend
  • What Three Investments Would I Buy To Leave Alone for a Decade
  • What Are the Rules of Thumb for Who Should Buy Long-Term Care Insurance
  • And more!


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471-Friday Q&A: What's the Best Type of Retirement Plan for my Wife's Side Business, How Can I Help My Sister-in-Law Who is Asking me for Financial Advice, Should I Pay Off My Debt as Fast as Possible or Save Up and Pay it Off in Large Chunks?

On Fridays, I host a Q&A call. Patrons of the show are invited to call in and ask any question they want!

Today, we cover:

  • (1:57) What's the best type of retirement plan for my wife's side business? (SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, Solo 401(k)?)
  • (16:45) How can I help my sister-in-law who is asking me for financial advice?
  • (30:20) Should I pay off my debt as fast as possible or save up and pay it off in large chunks of money?


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470-The Danger of a Financial Plan Built on Extremely Low Spending Projections

There's been an interesting switch in the world of personal finance wherein some people are building financial plans based on extremely low spending projections. In essence, some people assume that if they can live on an extremely low budget per year today, they can build a long-term financial plan predicated on maintaining that spending forever.

I think this is a dangerous assumption. And, in today's show, I explain why.


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469-Friday Q&A: Is It Legit That You Can Find Missing Money That's Still Unclaimed, Should I Take Free Housing With a Longer Commute, How Do I Deal With Massive Medical Bills, Do I Need a Personal Insurance Agent, and What Three Books Would Joshua Take to

Welcome to another Friday Q&A Show! Today, we cover:

  • Is It Legit That You Can Find Missing Money That's Still Unclaimed
  • Should I Take Free Housing With a Longer Commute
  • How Do I Deal With Massive Medical Bills
  • Do I Need a Personal Insurance Agent
  • What Three Books Would Joshua Take to A Desert Island?

If you'd like to join me for a future Q&A show, become a Patron of the show at http://patreon.com/radicalpersonalfinance


  • Save $30 off a new subscription for awesome food at www.HelloFresh.com using coupon code: "RPF30" Give it a try!
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468-Friday Q&A: How does an LLC Protect My Liability and Help Me Save on Tax, How Can I Lower My Tax Bill on the Sale of My House

Friday Q&A is back! Today:

  • How does an LLC Protect My Liability and Help Me Save on Tax?
  • How Can I Lower My Tax Bill on the Sale of My House?

If you'd like to participate on a future show, sign up here! https://patreon.com/radicalpersonalfinance


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467-Debt: Should we Measure it Based on Financial Risk or Lifestyle Risk?

I've long struggled to know how to advise people with regard to debt. On the one hand, the use of debt can dramatically increase the financial returns of an investment. On the other hand, debt can have a dramatic negative impact on the lifestyle of the borrower when everything goes wrong.

So, how do we reconcile these two things?

I've come to see that they're two entirely different scales. Because they are two totally different scales (think: how do kilograms and degrees Fahrenheit interact with one another), it's hard to simultaneously factor in both.

Enjoy the show,


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466-The USA's Long-Term Fiscal Gap and Why It Matters to You (Americaā€™s Fiscal Insolvency and Its Generational Consequences by Professor Laurence Kotlikoff)

I've alluded to my long-term guess that the US Government will default on many of its current promises.

But, I've never really supported that argument.

I thought I'd kick that support off today by sharing with you a succinct and coherent description of the problem by reading Professor Laurence Kotlikoff's testimony to the Senate Budget Comittee in 2015.



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465-How to Build Passive Income By Investing in Raw Land: Interview with Mark Podolsky, the Land Geek

I've never invested in raw land. My #1 reason? Since raw land has no utility, there's no way to pull income from it. And at this stage of my life, I value income-producing assets.

But, my guest on today's show has a great system for solving that problem.

He has parlayed raw land into a very helpful income stream leading to his own financial freedom.

Enjoy my interview with Mark!


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464-The Seasons of Work: How to Get More Important Work Done Without Destroying Your Lifestyle

Today's episode is Part 2 of a mini-series on the seasons of life.

The world of work is changing rapidly. We find ourselves pressed on all sides to do more work and different work.

And yet in personal finance circles, the focus of our conversation is quite frequently how to get out of work.

I believe work is a blessing and not a curse. And that to run from work is the wrong answer.

And yet how can we adjust our relationship with work so that it feels more meaningful and less ephemeral?

Part of the answer is in learning to work with the natural seasons of life.



  • Please visit www.HelloFresh.com to get awesome food, delivered right to your door. Save $30 when you subscribe with promo code RPF30. Thanks!
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463-The Usefulness and Prioritization of Money in the Seasons of Your Life


Poverty is hard. Money helps to make life less hard. But, in our modern world, it's hard to figure out how much money is enough.

As you go through the seasons of your life the usefulness of money will wax and wane.

Money comes with a cost: time, labor, risk, attention.

You need to think carefully about the season of your life you're in and consider the unique value of money during this particular season.



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