The Law by FrƩdƩric Bastiat (i.e., my 2018 Tax Day celebration)

Today on Radical Personal Finance, we celebrate Tax Day in the United States (April 17, 2018).

As we all reflect on the actions of the government we US Americans have just supported with our tax money, I thought it would be a good day to read to you a very helpful essay called, The Law.

The Law was written in 1850 by Frédéric Bastiat, a French economist.
If you haven't previously read this essay, be forewarned that the first third is fast-moving and the last third is fast-moving, but the middle drags a little.Hear it through, though. You'll be glad you did.


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478-The Utility and Morality of Price Gouging

Whenever there's a natural disaster, we have various articles on price gouging's lamentability, to wit, its harmfulness and illegality.

But, is it really bad?

I say not.

"Price gouging" (or, more accurately stated, the adjustment of market prices to meet changing demand) has tremendous utility for the well-being of all involved and is absolutely upright, moral, and ethical.

Of course, this guy says it's wrong, morally and economically. I deal with his "arguments" in the show.


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