643-Should I Fix My Broken Car or Replace It?

A listener has a car with a blown transmission and is trying to decide whether to repair it or replace it. Here's my advice!


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617-Friday Q&A: Giving Money to Poor People, Contributing My Salary to my Wife's 401(k), Protecting Investment Accounts, Buying Term Life Insurance while FI, etc!

1:45 - How can I give nice gift to people who are poorer than I am without creating a power imbalance?

15:20 - Can I contribute my salary into a 401(k) plan for my wife in order to maximize our retirement account contributions?

28:05 - How can I protect my non-qualified investment accounts that are exposed to the claims of creditors?

44:30 - I don't "need" term life insurance because I'm financially independent. Should I still buy some?

51:00 - I'm following Dave Ramsey's baby steps and am almost out of debt; should I store up my emergency fund in a Roth IRA?

56:00 - I want to buy an investment that will pay for my new car instead of just burning all my cash on the car. How do I do that?

(For the context of any time-relevant comments relating to current events, this Q&A was recorded on 12/19/2018.)

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538-Making Sense of the New Car/Used Car Dilemma

Today, a prelude to a discussion of how to lease a car. In this show we discuss a rational analysis of new car vs. used cars.



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527-How to Buy a Used Car

As a--ahem--more practical follow-up to yesterday, here is my advice for a listener on how to buy a used car.


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526-You Bought a Pickup Truck? You Idiot!

Flipping through my feed and I cannot believe what you just did. You idiot!


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499-How to Live In Your Car and Love It!

Lots of people wind up living in their cars out of extreme financial stress. But today, I'm going to share with you a few of my strategies for living in your car for fun.

I've never lived in my car for a long period of time, but I have done it for up to two weeks. And, living (or more accurately staying/camping?) in your car can be:

  • fun
  • easy
  • comfortable
  • frugal

You should seriously consider it. And I'm here today to tell you why and how to do it well.


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